Recruiting the best nonprofit talent can be a challenge. It’s time-consuming, demanding, and requires a vast network. That’s where Scion Nonprofit steps in. As a leading national nonprofit search firm, we connect you with exceptional nonprofit professionals across the country. Save time and resources by leveraging our expertise and established network. Nonprofits facing limited resources and tight timelines can leverage Scion’s expertise to find the perfect talent quickly and efficiently.
Our team has built strong professional relationships, and our talent networks are vast, including experienced nonprofit professionals newly on the market, passive jobseekers considering new private opportunities, as well as professional networking groups and industry experts. Discover how finding the right talent with Scion Nonprofit can help transform your organization and take your mission to new heights!
Scion Nonprofit boasts a comprehensive network of nearly 16 million talented nonprofit professionals, as well as our private local network of 750,000 candidates, encompassing experienced individuals seeking new challenges, passive job seekers receptive to exploring exciting opportunities, and industry experts along with established professional networks. This vast pool of candidates allows us to connect you with the perfect match for your organization’s specific needs. Our deep-rooted relationships within the nonprofit sector grant us access to a broader range of qualified candidates than those who might typically apply through traditional channels.
Gain immediate access to pre-qualified, diverse candidates ready for immediate hire.
We craft compelling job descriptions, set competitive salary ranges, and utilize targeted online platforms and social media to attract ideal candidates.
We assess candidates using job-specific methods like skills tests, behavioral questions, and situational interviews.
We schedule interviews with top candidates, allowing you to focus on selecting the perfect fit.
We verify work eligibility and conduct background checks tailored to your needs.
We offer support to your organization from the beginning of the search process through after the placement to ensure a smooth transition.
We stand behind our work with a concrete service guarantee and a full commitment to excellence and search confidentiality. Our valued clients are serviced and always represented in a highly personal, ethical, professional, and effective manner. We back all of our professional executive search services with a three month service guarantee. We do this because we are confident in the extraordinary quality of our searches, and the talented candidates that we select to represent. To connect with one of our nonprofit recruiters, please click here. We look forward to connecting you to the nonprofit talent your organization needs to succeed.